Known Issues

ID #StatusKategorieDetails
19assignedUniversal Dive Data Format (UDDF)cannot export dives due to "unexpected number of tanks" error
i've successfully...
20assignedUniversal Dive Data Format (UDDF)UDDF Import
I was a little...
16resolvedDive Import“Illegal Oceanic+ five” error message every time I try to save the dives (export) from Dive Converter. It had been woking ok.
13resolvedDive ImportCan’t import from Oceanic plus
The app has been working...
14resolvedOceanic+ InterfaceI use Apple login with Oceanic+ and need to transfer account and dives
Need to transfer to...
10resolvedDive ImportCan not change from Apple relay account to Username / Password
I purchased the Dive...
11resolvedUniversal Dive Data Format (UDDF)Not able to export
I get error message that...
7resolvedDive ImportRefresh Token
How does one go about...
8resolvedUniversal Dive Data Format (UDDF)NDT fehlt nach Import in MacDive (iPad)
Im Graph des Tauchgangs...